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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

How to Optimize your Website for Mobile Search

Internet is the buzz word in today's market and people with smart phones are increasing too. People, prefer to be connected to the world almost 24/7, regardless to whether they are traveling, attending a meeting or are enjoying a holiday. Thus, access to internet is not limited to the traditional PC users but it has also included the mobile users. As a SEO business strategy, you cannot ignore the vital contribution of the users and visitors. It is the demand of time and technology that we need to change and upgrade the SEO tactics to be successful in the business.

Smart phone users not just visit internet for surfing, but they are likely to take actions, such as booking a resort or buying consumer durables, gadgets, etc. after watching an online advertisement. Not just this, but smart phone users also seek local information and take action within a day's span. This gives a solid ground to maximize your website to for new mobile consumer behavior.
Tips for Optimization for Mobile Searches:
  • Use Shorter Keywords: The keywords that you optimize or target for mobile searches should be shorter as it is inconvenient to type with mobile as compared to desktop. Most of the mobile users use short search queries. If you have to serve these customers, you will have to rank well for the short keywords and gain most of the mobile traffic.
  • Focus on Local Search: While it is important to pay attention to shorter key phrases for mobile search optimization, it is also worth noticing that mobile searches are usually directed towards local stuff. A user standing in street usually checks for certain store or place to dine. Thus, you must concentrate on the local search results to attract mobile users.
  • Top 3 and not Top 10: When you optimize for desktop users, aim can be to come on the first page in the top 10 searches, but for mobile, this same principle does not work as the mobile screen cannot fit all the top 10 search results and users may not really like to scroll to the next page. Thus, to attract additional traffic through mobile search, you should rather aim for being in the top 3-4 and not top 10.
  • Be Mobile-Friendly: Develop a site that can rank well on the mobile search engines. To promote your mobile-friendly website, promote it by submitting it to the top mobile search engines, mobile directories and mobile portals.
  • Select Niche Relevant to Mobile Searchers: How hard you try to develop a mobile-friendly website, if it is not addressing the niche, for which most of the mobile searches are directed, then it might not be of much advantage. Niches such as stocks, news, gadgets, local searches and ringtones attract most of the mobile searches.
  • Preview on Mobile: To rank well on mobile search engines, you need to ensure that your website is in-line with the mobile standards, it has a meta.txt file to describe your site's content in brief, it has no messy codes and has short pages. However, once you are done with the development, you finally need to preview how your site looks on a mobile device. However, mobile devices vary, and you may not be able to make it suitable for all, but you can test it on couple of latest and standard mobile devices.
Nowadays, mobile search is growing at a higher rate as compared to the desktop searches. Thus, internet is no more confined to PCs but it has gone mobile. If you are operating in the niche that attracts majority of mobile searches, you need to ensure that your website is mobile search engine friendly and satisfies aspects that are vital to attract most of the mobile traffic. Above given are some important tips that will help you in attaining this goal.

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