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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Benefits that Businesses Get from Social Media

 From the traditional way of marketing businesses using mass media, here comes the new face of marketing strategy- social media. Social media has undoubtedly brought a massive groundwork for businesses where it suggests several benefits, not only for marketing purposes.

As the Internet offers wide array of modern services, the presence of social media helps certain businesses accelerate their rate through 'socializing' on the Internet. This is possibly done through creating business profiles on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedln, etc. where images and information are included for better online visibility.

Indeed, social media is a very efficient and convenient way for businesses to market their products on single web pages. Let's take real estate for an example; you can create advertisements and updates on what you generally provide such as apartment for rent, condominiums or even house and lot for sale. They usually describe this strategy as modern marketing mostly manageable within one's fingertips.

Here's a look of some of social media's benefits to businesses:
  • Improve word-of-mouth strategy. Ever since, promotion of a certain product or service, and publicity- realization, has always been propagated through the word-of-mouth strategy. Now, you can also use this approach effectively as you integrate social networking sites which helps open up new environment for people to easily get in touch with you right in front of their computers. This will not only get you close to your prospective clients, but also build valuable relationships with them.
  • Acceptability. This is one of the biggest benefits obtained by businesses nowadays, and this is achieved with the aid of social networking sites. You can increase chances of being accepted as you have existing clients using these social sites. Make sure you get in touch with them, because if they appreciate the services you've rendered, then, they might lead the way to promote your services through recommendation to all of their friends, thus creating multiple connections.
  • Swiftly building brand awareness. Social sites serve as good platform of developing one's business image easily. The only thing needed is to create a business profile in relation to what you are trying to establish. The process will not stop after creating your own profile; you are obliged to maintain it through: continuous updating; writing of fresh contents; and answering to people's possible queries.
  • Efficiency. Your site's efficiency serves as a strong foundation in working these various social networking sites in promoting your services. The mere fact that even if you're just merely socializing with others, you are able to get exposure in your part, as they may build ways to introducing your great service to others as well.
Summing it up, social media is a great tool in building your business on the Internet. Knowing that it not only tolerates better online visibility but also offers various benefits (above mentioned). There is no reason for you not to try this marketing approach as it is free way of promoting your business beyond its boundaries.

Leish Millington, based out of New York, is an SEO specialist in Search Opt Media, Inc., one of the best SEO companies in the Philippines. She is also a blogger and a sole proprietor of a small desktop publishing business, and an online content coordinator for DMCI Homes. You may follow her on Twitter @MichelleLayson1


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