New to Search Engine Optimization? Top 10 SEO Tips for Newbies which will guide your website as well as your blog to get ranking better in Search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Promote your website as well as blog and have more Traffic to your website.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

WordPress SEO Plugins to Improve Your Website Visibility

WordPress is one of the most popular CMS in the internet. It's an Open Source Content Management Systems famous for its capabilities and features that other CMS don't have. It's FREE and user-friendly. So let's talk about it's SEO capabilities. WordPress will let you gain total control of your website's on-site SEO. HTML and JavaScript are built into WordPress with easy navigation. The best thing about WordPress is there are FREE and Paid SEO plugins out there that you can utilize to improve your website SEO. Here I'll name a few.


Yoast will let search engines love your site and definitely increase your ranking and visibility as long as you play your cards right. It is capable of posting titles and meta description as well as your focus keyword within the page. It will grade your overall keyword application and will tell you whether you've include the keyword on:
  • Article Heading
  • Page Title
  • Page URL
  • Content
  • Meta Description
SEO Rank Reporter

We usually using other seo tools to get our weekly or monthly SEO reports. SEO Rank Reporter tool is built to offer a simple ranking measurement tool for WordPress websites that allows you to see your website rankings for your target keywords right within the back-end of your WordPress website. Here's a video on how to use this tool.

SEO Content Control

SEO Content Control is built to prevent your site being penalized with the PANDA and PENGUIN issues. This tool is built to focus on the content of your site. It tracks if an excerpt and meta description is missing in your web pages and which web pages/post are low quality content.

SEO Ultimate

Worried about duplicate content on your site? SEO Ultimate is a tool built to canonicalize your content so that web spiders are pointed to the right post. This can help out with the PENGUIN issues. It has a robot.txt editor straight up within your admin panel. It allows you to easily set up for a better search engine indexing. Here's a video tutorial on how to use this tool.

These tools will just help you improve your visibility and ranking so it's up to you to use these tools correctly and combined it with your good quality content in order to have a better online visibility.

Author Bio: Al Gregorios, Content Manager for Project Assistant with Business in a Box solutions, enjoys discovering and sharing business strategies for online marketing, CRM, project management, mobile marketing and technical publications.


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